Have any question? rwandamathsolympiad@gmail.com


The following is the list of the topic that you have to work on. At the end of every week there is assignment that will be Uploaded for you to submit.

You will need to follow the below plan from the cards and then access the course by just clicking here on Our self Paced learning course

Week 1

Unit: Introduction

  1. Introduction
  2. A journey through one problem

Unit: Techniques

  1. An introduction to problem solving techniques
  2. Trial and error
  3. Just do it
  4. Draw a useful diagram

Week 2

Unit: Techniques

  1. Use algebra
  2. Find a pattern 1
  3. Find a pattern 2
  4. Try a simpler problem
  5. Look at the problem differently

Quiz #1 and Assignment #1 due

Week 3

Unit: Techniques

  1. Work systematically
  2. Consider cases
  3. Eliminate possibilities
  4. Work backwards
  5. Think inductively
  6. Find an invariant
  7. Wrap-up of problem solving techniques

Quiz #2 and Assignment #2 due

Week 4

Unit: Equations, Algebra, and Functions

  1. Functions
  2. Factoring
  3. Roots of polynomials
  4. Systems of equations
  5. Logarithms and trigonometry

Quiz #3 and Assignment #3 due

Week 5

Unit: Number Theory

  1. Divisibility
  2. Divisors and primes
  3. Diophantine equations

Quiz #4 and Assignment #4 due

Week 6

Unit: Geometry

  1. The Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry
  2. Coordinates
  3. Areas

Quiz #5 and Assignment #5 due

Week 7

Quiz #6 and Assignment #6 due


0. You will need to click here for accessing the course.

1. The students will need to start from week one up to the other weeks, the students are not advised to skip any week or any topic.

2. The students should do all the assignment in the previous week before going to the next week.

3. The students should submit every single assignment which is planned for that week before going to the next week.

4. Repeat 0,1,2,3 and make sure you understood the instructions before you start.

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